Read Any Player, Give Off Nothing, Manipulate Your Opponents and Master the Ultimate Edge in Live Poker
A 12 Week Interactive Video Course Designed to Teach You How to Read Any Player, Give Off Nothing, Psychologically Manipulate Your Opponents and Master the Ultimate Edge in Live Poker
We are responsible for the largest behavioral study ever conducted on poker players
Hi! My name is Blake Eastman. My entire life has been dedicated towards three things. Psychology, Poker, and Nonverbal Behavior.
- I am the Founder of the Behavioral Research company The Nonverbal Group
- I am the Founder of School of Cards and have been coaching poker for close to a decade.
- I was an Adjunct Psychology Professor at the City University of New York.
Over the past 6 years I have lead a team that has conducted the largest behavioral study ever conducted on poker players. This was an extensively labor intense process which required the Recording, Tagging, and Analysis of thousands of hours of video.
We start our process with recording poker players and creating behavioral datasets. Our studies utilize RFID poker tables and between 6-10 camera angles to record every single movement at the poker table. We also utilize psychophysiological instruments such as the Empatica E4 to collect additional data focusing on different states of physiological arousal. Our recording efforts are ongoing and we currently have close to 200 terabytes of raw footage of both cash games and tournaments ranging from micro to high stakes.
In order to perform the level of analysis we require, we need to tag and code every movement and action at the table: every bet, check, call, raise, fold, blink, smile, smirk, weird facial movement, and word spoken, it's all coded using both qualitative and quantitative methods. In order to code such a large database, we use automated and manual coding procedures, meaning that when a computer isn’t tagging facial expressions, a member of our research team is manually coding every single action at the table.
To analyze this massive dataset, we have created what we call the CAT (Contextual Analysis Tool), which combines all of the players’ hands and every action at the table with every single behavior and when it exactly occurs within 1/30th of a second. This way we can see how actions, hand strength, and behavioral events impact behavior at the table. This gives us the ability to answer any question we have about the relationship between behavior and actions at the table. For example, what does an increase in blink rate in post flop situations mean?
- Marking, coding, and analyzing over 600,000 blinks at the table.
- Conducting qualitative and quantitative analysis on over 25,000+ card checks at the table.
- Creating a database to store and analyze contextual game elements with behavior. It’s basically a Pokertracker for behavior. It’s stored in POSTGRES and analyzed using mainly R.
- Pioneering several methods for tagging, recording, and analyzing the behaviors of poker players.
- Watched and compared, more 3bets, river shoves, donk bets than you could possibly imagine.
- Analyzing every single subtle change in the human face at the poker table.
After Completing The Deepest Dive into Human Behavior, We Have Reached 7 Truths About Poker Tells and Behavior at the Table.
We have recorded over 100+ poker players from multiple angles and have produced the largest and most comprehensive video database of players behavior ever.
Poker Tells Can Be Used to Easily Narrow a Player’s Range
The way a player bets, the method they used to check their cards, their bet style, and so many other behaviors can be used to reliably narrow a player's range. Without knowing it, players display specific behaviors that can be correlated to portions of their range. Some of these are player specific and others are trends in human behavior found in specific play types.

The Strategies Players Use to Reduce Information Actually Give Off More Information
We have found that players who try to standardized their behavior and become “unreadable” are often significantly easier to read.

Most Advice on Poker Tells is So Basic It’s Incorrect
You have probably heard this type of advice before. Its when a talented player will make a statement like “If a player looks at their chips, that means they have a strong hand”. We call it the “X Means Y” error and it’s rarely correct enough to be useful.

Using Certain Factors You Can Reliably Predict Where You Will Find Poker Tells in Players
Certain factors such as player experience, pre-flop routines, facial movement, and more can be used to predict where and when tells are going to happen in players.

Most Advice on Poker Tells is So Basic It’s Incorrect
Doesn’t matter if you are playing 1-2 or the highest stakes in the world players still have tells. You will find usable behavior at every experience level and stakes in the game. Just not the really basic and classic tells.

Telling players to standardize their behavior makes them easier to read
The average player who practices a concealment strategy is more likely to give off information when they attempt to standardized their behavior.

When you understand how to read, conceal, and manipulate behavior, you are able to do the following:

Reliably Use Behaviors to Narrow and Define a Player’s Range
A core process in poker is trying to determine what players have. Great players will take advantage of as much information as possible when narrowing their opponent’s range. One of the primary areas where you will improve is your ability to figure out what players have. If you are a serious poker player. I don’t think we need to express how powerful that ability actually would be.

You Will Substantially Increase The Frequency and Accuracy of Your Bluffs
Bluffing is a critical part of poker. However, most players don’t understand who to bluff, when to bluff, and how to execute. Behavior completely changes this. After studying how players move at the table, spots where a player is bluffing will become blatantly obvious. You will not only know when you should pull the trigger but have the confidence to actually follow through.

Highly Skilled Opponents Will Become Easier to Read and Exploit
Your opponent can perfectly balance their aggression, mix up their play, and be highly difficult to play against. However, it doesn’t mean they don’t have tells. In fact, the better the player, the more likely the behavioral information they display will be useful. After learning to read behavior you will find these players getting frustrated when you're re-shoving with air and thin call their obvious bluffs.

Massively Increase Your Confidence at the Table
Confidence is one of the most underrated attributes of an exceptional poker player. In order to make thin calls and well timed bluffs you need to be confident that you are taking the correct line. Beyond Tells adds an entirely new level of information to your game which has profound effects on your overall confidence at the table. You will also find yourself significantly in more control with your new edge.

Become Unreadable By Reducing the Unconscious Behaviors That Give Off Your Card Strength
Most players (even world class players) have no idea how to effectively prevent tells. In fact, the things they do often making reading them easier. While training your ability to read behavior, you will also learn to master your own movement at the table and craft a customized method for making yourself very difficult to read.

Psychologically Manipulate Your Opponents With Speech Play and Subtle Changes In Behavior
Most people think finding tells is a passive pursuit and involves sneakily watching opponents when they aren’t looking. But sometimes you WANT them to know you’re looking because that induces a change in behavior. Often, the true power of behavior is unlocked through the interaction and the psychological manipulation of your opponents. Once you learn to read behavior, you can start to unlock the power of truly manipulating it.

Get More Exploitive, Creative, and Play a Different Style of Poker
Most players play a highly boring style of poker. They wait for that perfect hand and then they fold the majority of the time. This is what we call a card-based approach to poker. Adding behaviors to your game provides the information necessary to expand your range and play a much more creative and situational style of poker.

Never Make a Leveling Error Again
Ever think your opponent was smart enough to fold when you were clearly repping that Ace on the river, only to be shocked when they call. Players constantly make the mistake of thinking their opponents play like them. Behavior changes this by giving you the ability to truly understand what level a player is thinking about and how to best approach them at the table.

Play Significantly Better Poker and Significantly Increase Your Hourly Rate
At the end of the day, hourly rate is one of the most important metrics you can track. Behavior will allow you to easily identify weakness, add more attack, make better folds and calls. It will significantly increase your hourly rate and maximize the efficiency of your time at the table.

Prey on Weaker Opponents
Normally when you prey on an opponent, you are exploiting fundamental problems with their game. For example, the fact that a player raises too wide or limps too often. The Beyond Tells Training gives you the information to prey on your opponents at an entirely different level. By becoming hypersensitive to weakness and apprehension in behavior, you will be able to identify and attack weakness like never before.

Reach the Ultimate Level of Focus at the Poker Table
Focus is one thing that every poker player will struggle with at one time or another. Remaining fully focused and aware at the table for a prolonged period of time is incredibly difficult. Looking for tells creates an entirely new puzzle at the table, one that will engage your thought process and make you more present and aware than you have ever experienced.