The Behavioral Edge
We are responsible for the largest behavioral study ever conducted on poker players
Hi! My name is Blake Eastman. My entire life has been dedicated towards three things. Psychology, Poker, and Nonverbal Behavior.
- I am the Founder of the Behavioral Research company The Nonverbal Group
- I am the Founder of School of Cards and have been coaching poker for close to a decade.
- I was an Adjunct Psychology Professor at the City University of New York.
Over the past 6 years I have lead a team that has conducted the largest behavioral study ever conducted on poker players. This was an extensively labor intense process which required the Recording, Tagging, and Analysis of thousands of hours of video.
After Completing The Deepest Dive into Human Behavior at the Poker Table We Are Sharing Our Insights

Learn How Behaviors Can Be Used to Narrow a Range
The way a player bets, the method they used to check their cards, their bet style, and so many other behaviors can be used to reliably narrow a player's range. Without knowing it, players display specific behaviors that can be correlated to portions of their range. Will show you countless examples of how to do use behaviors to define a players range.
“It just opened up a whole new world. I sit down at the table with a completely different mindset, a completely different focus, and what I’m looking for is a layer of dimension that didn’t exist before.”